15 August-Nashim Akhtar


15th August

As soon as August 15, the heart becomes Bagh Bagh, listening to the saga of the brave martyrs, the mind becomes furious!
Remember those martyrs who laid down their lives.
As soon as August 15, the heart becomes Bagh Bagh
Martyrs’ eyes become moist by remembering.
The thought of martyrdom sacrifice does not go waste.
On August 15, the heart becomes Bagh Bagh.
What will not be able to say anything further because some people do not understand the intention.
On August 15, the heart becomes Bagh Bagh.
The mind becomes depressed thinking that the sacrifice of the martyrs should not go in vain.
Compassion mercy is all over from this country, love is also afraid now
Because the intentions of some people are not understood.
On August 15, the heart becomes Bagh Bagh.
The saga heard in childhood makes the hearts of the martyrs cheerful.
On August 15, the heart becomes Bagh Bagh.

Nasim Akhtar

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