A to Z rhyming words
A for Apple
B for Ball
How are you all ?
C for Cat
D for Doll
Let’s play with bat and ball .
E for Elephant
F for fish
Tell me what’s your wish ?
G for Gun
H for Hen
Let’s count one to ten.
I for Inkpot
J for Jar
Twinkle twinkle little star.
K for Kite
L for Light
Don’t fight.
M for Mango
N for Nest
You are all the best.
O for Owl
P for Pen
Lion lives in a den.
Q for Queen
R for Race
Tie your shoelace.
S for Ship
T for Toy
Learn with joy.
U for Umbrella.
V for Van.
Remember it again.
W for Watch.
X for X-mass.
Cows eat grass.
Y for Yak.
Z for Zip.
Remember this alphabetic rhymes,
It is a good tip.
Madhu kumari